—Peoples & Cultures—
Browse the sub-categories in the pages listed below for pictorial and town histories.
—Peoples and Cultures—
The resources listed below are unique to this page, and fall under this general category. Browse the sub-categories in the carousel above if you are looking for a resource that falls under a more specific topic.
W.C. Rogers
Spencer Carr 1811-1880
this list includes men and eligible women and is not a comprehensive listing of La Crosse residents at the time of publication; it was an attempt to draw young people to the fledgling community on the prairie
Carr was pastor at First Baptist Church
Carr was pastor at First Baptist Church
Western Historical Company
Butterfield, Consul Willshire
La Crosse Public Library
La Crosse Tribune
A collection of newspaper articles about the generosity of the community. The people of La Crosse are generous and this collection of articles highlights some of the philanthropic efforts to help other people. Topics include food pantries and community gardens, community philanthropic events, volunteerism, and some specific organizations.
Area Research Center, Murphy Library, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
A name index to the History of La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1881.
Richard Boudreau
artists include early poets, Marcus "Brick" Pomeroy, George W. Peck, David Franklin "Doc" Powell, Egid Hackner, Sandor Landau, Ford Sterling, Minnie Dupree, Percy Bentley, Guy & Eloda Beach, Howard Mumford Jones, Rudolf Kvelve, Arthur Kreutz, Walter Ristow, Joseph Losey, Alonso Hauser, Nicholas Ray, John Toland, James Cameron, Don Herbert "Mr. Wizard," Robert Moevs, Elmer Petersen, Frank Italiano, Hugo Jan Huss, John Judson, Kati Casida, Nancy Arganbright, Dallas Weekley, Charles Dierkop, John Solie, Sr. Thea Bowman, Bill Miller, Amy Mills and Scott Thorson
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Oral History Program
Bud Miyamoto (b. 1945) spends a majority of his interview remembering his early life in La Crosse, specifically life on the North Side as a Japanese American. Topics include but are not limited to: North Side neighborhood, his (white) mother's background and employment at the Auto-Lite factory, father’s service in the 100th Infantry Battalion during WWII and journey from Hawaii to La Crosse, Camp McCoy, local businesses (the Sweet Shop, the Country Kitchen, and the Riviera Theatre), social life and entertainment (school dances, drag races, movies, county fair, circus, and picnics), recreation and sports (swimming at the North Side Beach, softball at Copeland Park, and fishing on Black River), student rivalries between Central High School and Logan High School, health remedies, religion (St. Luke’s Methodist Church), anti-Japanese racism in town, Black Americans in La Crosse, Moss family, working-class cultures on North Side, Auto-Lite factory, community grief from 1959 lay-offs at Auto-Lite, employment (Manke Hardware Store, M. Lokken & Son Grocery, Neumeister’s Butcher Shop, Guggenbuehl and Nekola, Nelson’s Clothing Store, and Berg’s Pharmacy, Milwaukee Sentinel, the Sweet Shop, andSandy’s fast food), President John F. Kennedy, 1965 Flood, Lower North Side train depot, telephones, medical industry, and local radio.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Oral History Program
John Lysaker begins his interview discussing his education at Logan High School and school programs. Other topics include but are not limited to: Teacher's College, Catholicism, relations and businesses within ethnic groups, race relations, Rivoli Theatre and other movie theaters, carpentry, transportation, Copeland Avenue, railroad industry, the Great Depression, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, veterans, 1965 flood, train depots, technology changes (computers and calculators).
H.E. Wheaton
Library's copy is numbered book no. 19.
Douglas Connell
Douglas Connell
ocm31766088 "A La Crosse History Works book."
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse public history class
In September of 2003, UW-La Crosse history professor Charles "Chuck" Lee, approached the Washburn Neighborhood Association, offering to work on a project for the association. As a result of that offer, Professor Lee's Public History class was tasked with preparing historic sites nominations, developing a walking tour of the neighborhood, and conducting neighborhood oral history interviews.

La Crosse Grand Excursion Educate Committee
La Crosse Grand Excursion Educate Committee
Digitized portion of the book "Where Rivers Meet: An Educator's Guide to the History of La Crosse, Wisconsin..." containing short biographies of notable people associated with La Crosse, Wisconsin, history.