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University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension Service, Recreation Resources Center
Harriett Moyer
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Fiedler, Jenny
Breeding bird populations were surveyed in two habitat types sharing a watershed
in the Upper Mississippi River basin during the summer of 1999. Two routes in
each of two study sites were surveyed mornings during 14 weeks between April
14th and July 31st; night surveys were also conducted to observe nocturnal species.
Routes were surveyed using the methodology of the Wisconsin Breeding Bird
Atlas, and observations of species present, abundance, breeding level, and habitat
were recorded. A total of 124 avian species were observed (84 in Hixon forest and
102 in Myrick marsh). Sixty-five and 74 species in Hixon forest and Myrick marsh
respectively were considered summer residents; 41.5% and 58.1% of those respectively
were confirmed by observation to be breeders. Diversity indices indicated
that avian populations in Hixon forest were slightly more diverse. Average abundance
of avian populations in Myrick marsh were found to be significantly higher
using an independent T-test (P<0.05). Similar percentages of neotropical migrants,
which as a group have experienced recent population declines, were found in
Hixon forest and Myrick marsh. Comparisons of this survey with other relevant
surveys revealed slight changes in avian communities over time.
Published as part of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 3 (2000)
Published as part of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 3 (2000)
John Nolen
This map was part of a 1911 report by John Nolen (Making of a park system in La Crosse) on the creation of La Crosse’s park system. The map shows suggested parks and parkways in green. Scale 1:31,680; 1 inch = 1/2 mile
Map / 46 x 31 cm on sheet 53 x 38 cm / Color
Map / 46 x 31 cm on sheet 53 x 38 cm / Color
Wisconsin Conservation Department
Wisconsin. Conservation Department. Park Planning Section
Shows Goose Island Park and plans for its development. Sheet 1 of 2. Drawn by Hugh Dega, Checked by Paul Barnhill, approved by R. D. Espeseth, drawing number 100-66. 5-27-60 Scale 1:3,600; 1 inch = 300 feet
Map / 84 x 107 cm / Black and white
Map / 84 x 107 cm / Black and white
Smalley, Larry
Spreiter, Darren
Hollihan, Patrick
Spreiter, Darren
Hollihan, Patrick
Three student undergraduate papers on the history of the La Crosse park system.
La Crosse Public Library
Newspaper articles about the history of Grandad Bluff and its role as a park, a geological formation, and a transportation challenge.
Grandad Bluff, the tallest bluff in the area, has been a focal point of the La Crosse community. Limestone rock was quarried from the bluff and this served as a source of building material for many years. However, when the property was about to be sold for large scale quarrying, La Crosse citizens were outraged. A prominent family, Joseph & Irene Hixon, bought the property in 1909 holding it in trust until it was donated as park to the city of La Crosse in 1912.During this time, local citizens, lead by Mrs. G. C. Hixon, raised $15,000 to purchase the property and to help build public roads. Along with this purchase was some property below the bluff which became the nucleus of Hixon Forest.
Grandad Bluff, the tallest bluff in the area, has been a focal point of the La Crosse community. Limestone rock was quarried from the bluff and this served as a source of building material for many years. However, when the property was about to be sold for large scale quarrying, La Crosse citizens were outraged. A prominent family, Joseph & Irene Hixon, bought the property in 1909 holding it in trust until it was donated as park to the city of La Crosse in 1912.During this time, local citizens, lead by Mrs. G. C. Hixon, raised $15,000 to purchase the property and to help build public roads. Along with this purchase was some property below the bluff which became the nucleus of Hixon Forest.
La Crosse Public Library
Newspaper articles about the history of Hixon Forest. Hixon Forest traces it roots to the founding of Grandad Bluff as a park. It was donated to the city in 1912 as a park. This collection of articles highlights the beginning of the trail system, a cooperative effort of the Greater La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce and La Crosse Park & Recreation Department, to the new "This is Not a Trail" (TNT) mountain bike trail that leads through Hixon Forest connecting on top of Grandad Bluff to the Human Powered Trail. Some land acquisitions and the beginning of the Nature Center are also highlighted.
For older articles, see History Repeats Itself: Grandad Bluff.
For older articles, see History Repeats Itself: Grandad Bluff.

City of La Crosse Planning Department (La Crosse, Wis.)
La Crosse (Wis.). City Planning Department
The City's comprehensive plan for Hixon Forest approved by the La Crosse City Council in 2005.
City of La Crosse
John Zoerb
La Crosse (Wis.). City Park and Recreation Dept.
La Crosse (Wis.). City Park and Recreation Dept.
part of the City of La Crosse (Wis.) Park System; pamphlet that discusses the wildflowers, birds, trees and history of the trails as well as rules for use
Hixon Forest Nature Center?
map of the nature trail system in the La Crosse River marsh and Hixon Forest connecting parks; trails are also rated for difficulty
Nutter, Frank H.
This manuscript letter accompanies a map Nutter drew for the Pettibone Park Commission.
John Nolen 1869-1937
John Nolen, an urban planner and landscape architect, was hired by the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of La Crosse, Wis., to design the first park system for the city.
ocm15542574 has a companion map called City park system for La Crosse
ocm15542574 has a companion map called City park system for La Crosse
Crescent Print Company
Peterson, Alvin M.
The Midway Prairie Scientific Area was set aside by the La Crosse County Board of Supervisors to preserve the remnants of a remarkable colony of pasque flower. It is comprised of little over three acres of westward sloping land. Located between Onalaska and Midway in La Crosse County on the west side of Highway 35-53. In 1953 the area officially between part of the county park system, dedicated to the preservation of this colony of pasque flowers.
Urban, Gary M.
Riverside Park in La Crosse, WI was originally designed by the notable landscape architect and city planner John Nolen in 1911 and constructed in 1912. This University of Wisconsin Senior Landscape Architecture senior thesis from 1994 fully documents a revitalization project for Riverside Park. It includes a site inventory, site analysis, precedents on other park revitalizations, project goals, design concept, maps, plans, drawings, and a bibliography.