Online Exhibits
Uprooted: The Interactive Exhibit
The Mariel Boatlift of 1980 / El éxodo del Mariel de 1980
A Brief History of Fort McCoy / Breve historia de Fort McCoy
Detention & Uncertainty / Detención e incertidumbre
Mariel in the Media / El Mariel en la prensa
Welcoming the Cubans / Recibiendo a los Cubanos
Cuban Life at Fort McCoy / La vida cubana en Fort McCoy
El Mercurio de McCoy
The Children of Mariel / Los niños del Mariel
Becoming Wisconsinites / Una nueva vida en Wisconsin
Longing for the Island / Añorando la isla
About / Acerca de este proyecto
Hįnųkwas: La Crosse's Colonized History
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Using Archives
Types of Archival Materials
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Citing Archival Sources
Glossary of Archival Terms
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NHD Students
How do I use this site?
How to Pick a Local Topic
Local Ties for Your Project
Primary or Secondary Source?
Primary Sources as Graphics
Visiting Local History Centers
Freely Available Lesson Plans
Contacting and Visiting
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Uprooted Exhibit